Just a little girl's journal through the eyes of her Mummy. And at times, you will read her Mummy's thoughts too.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Mummy's entry - My baby is 2 and still not feeling well

Saturday, December 29, 2007
And so this is Christmas
my London boyfriend, Emre, enjoying his chunk of lamb. he is 3 weeks older than me.
this is Emre's mummy, Aunty Mills, I'm not as friendly as Emre and didn't want her to carry me
took me awhile to blend in and when I did, I was all over with the kids running here and there and I was all drenched in sweat
My cousin's Jo Tien's birthday that day and we all celebrated with him as well that night
as usual, the Christmas tree with his overloading pressies
with the kids in front of the Christmas tree
the next day at Mummy's Grandma's on the swing
I even started making tea and stuff to offer to everyone....
But the real tea or in this case coffee was better with the home-made egg tarts done by Aunty Siew Wye....
Shawn and I were monkeying around....
After all that playing and monkeying around, we were both so tired...just nice in ending the night. And so this is my Christmas for this year. Hope you had a good one as well!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Sick again

Saturday, December 22, 2007
Merry Christmas Everybody!

Friday, December 21, 2007
Mummy's entry - This morning

Thursday, December 20, 2007
Mummy's entry - San Francisco
posing for the camera with Alcatraz at the background from a distance
the infamous seals hanging out at the regular spots at Pier 39
a closer look at the seals...if you think they look so peaceful, you should be there, they were so noisy!
a view of The City from the boat
We were initially worried that we can't see much taking the last ride of the day since it was getting dark but we were wrong. It's was a good thing we did as we saw this...
a view of the Golden Gate with the sun setting at the back
a view of Alcatraz again
a group picture taken by a kind gentleman who offered when he noticed i was taking pictures throughout our cruise
the girl fell asleep less than halfway through the journey
a view of The City with the moon from a distance
After the cruise, we hung out at Pier 39 and had the infamous Seafood Chowder with sour dough bread. There were so many outlets offering this and we just settled for one. And since the girl was already feeling not too good and her appetite got worst, I decided not to meet up with Belle and her mummy the next day (we were suppose to while we were there). But we talked on the phone though that night itself. It was good thing we didn't meet up too as Rye Li's condition got worst the next day and we wouldn't want to pass her germs to Belle or her mummy since they were hosting Belle's party that weekend itself.
The next morning, we decided to take the infamous cable car (I seriously don't know why they call it this as my version of a cable car is those that takes you up in the sky, not on the road. The ones on the road I know is called a tram but in US, it's vice versa....go figure!). Anyhow, we bought day passes for the cable car and took the first one to Chinatown to have Dim Sum (which was recommended by the Hotel's cleaner whom was Chinese). Too bad we were too busy eating to even take photos of the food. It was really delicious!
they way the girl slept most of the night and I only got that teeny weeny space to sleep, hubby slept on the floor as he found the double bed too small for us, with the way the girl sleeps!
at the sign at Chinatown, we walked a fair bit through the steep roads (luckily it was mostly going downhill) to that sign
After that, we walked to Macy's Union Square and hung out at the little park. I love this spot as there were alot of people around from all classes, mainly office people hanging around during their lunch hour. How I wish we have one like this in KL, actually we do have spots like this but our weather doesn't permit us to hang out like this. We came back to Macy's Union Square that evening to have our dinner at Cheesecake Factory which is situated at the rooftop.
at the little park at Macy's Union Square
After the park, we took the cable car to Lambard Street. I seriously didn't know what was so special about it at that time, just going with the flow of SIL's suggestions. Once we reached the destination, I was awed by what was awaiting us. This street has become a tourist attraction for its curvy road designs surrounded by beautiful plants along the way. We walked down this road by the sides which also leads to the houses along this road. They must worth a fortune alright but I pity the people staying there though, having so many foreign people walking up and down it everyday! The girl was asleep by this time in the sling on me and boy, it was torturing having her weight on me walking down the steep stairways. It got bad that I was limping as I think the weight added on to my nerves and I couldn't walk properly (reminded me of the time when I was 8 months pregnant with her and my limping started till after a month Rye Li was delivered!). Luckily, the limping didn't stay on for long after that.
After this, we walked towards Ghirardelli's factory, a chocolate factory. I didn't know this brand existed till this trip. The chocolates were really good, well the dark ones anyway! Before we approached the factory, we came across a park by the beach and decided to hang out there for bit. Again, how I wish we have parks like this back home! :)
One of the houses we passed by during our walk, halloween theme. i love the way the people go all the way in decorating their houses to celebrate Halloween. it was a pity that we were not around for it as the girl would have loved it. Ok, more like I would have loved it! ;)
the steep roads that you see all over The City
the park that we came across and hung out for a bit
papa and daughter taking a stroll along the beach at the park
the chocolate factory from a distance
After Ghirardelli's short tour, we took the cable car back to Macy's Union Square to have our dinner at Cheesecake Factory. It was around 6pm by this time and a good thing we were early too as there will be a long queue if you were to come around dinner time. We had a good view of the city during our dinner as we sat outside. Luckily, there were portable heaters out there or we would have freezed away. Foodwise, it was alright but very huge portions that we had to take away some. The girl didn't eat much though and her cough was getting worst by this time. She was also cranky and gluey to me.
hanging out at the merchandise display while waiting to be seated
To digress a little, when I spoke to Belle's mummy the night before, I also asked her on what type of medication could we get for Rye Li's running nose and cough and she recommended one that Belle has taken before. We stopped by the pharmacy on the way back to the hotel but we couldn't find it and those others that were available mentioned not to be given to children under 2 years old unless presribed by the doctor so we didn't want to risk it. The next morning, SIL called one of her friends whose dad is a paed and asked him a favour on the kind of medication Rye Li can take for her condition and was recommended one later. During the day, when we came across a pharmacy, we went to look for this medication but the store couldn't sell it to us as their cash register system showed it was one of the medications that was recalled back a few weeks back. So we were back to square one and prayed that the medication I brought from Malaysia (recommended by Rye Li's paed) will work but she hasn't been showing signs of improvement when I started this medication on her when we were at Monterey Bay.
After dinner at Cheesecake factory, we decided to head back to the hotel and get some early rest. Later that night while we were sleeping around 11pm, the girl started a coughing fit and it became so bad that she threw up her milk she just drank before she slept as well as the little dinner she had on herself and on the bed.
I had to clean her up with the help of hubby while SIL called the hotel's housekeeping to come in to change the bedsheet. Luckily it was 11pm and the last shift was still around. After the girl was cleaned up and the bed freshly made, we lined her area of the bed with towels just in case. She slept immediately and thankfully, there was no more vomitting that night.
The next day, we left San Francisco for Napa Valley. But we drove through the Golden Gate and stopped for a while to take pictures...
like mother like daughter, the girl mimicking me, it was really cold that we had to walk with our hands in the pockets
like father like daughter
Next stop....Napa Valley!
p.s. so sorry it took so long for me to update these....the photos have been in draft for so long! havent actually got the time to post the stories up...so bear with me, another 2 more on our US trip.