We were all up in Penang last weekend for Peh Deh’s (Papa’s brother) wedding. Ah Mai (Papa’s sister) and Uncle Jason (her husband) flew back from LA for the wedding and we drove up to Penang together.
Grandma and Grandpa were also invited to the wedding and they had to bring along Ro Wyn and Jo Tien (my cousins) as Ai Yee (mummy’s sister) was away that weekend. So we all had fun at the hotel we stayed at. Well mostly as we didn’t get the chance to swim at all…what happened was on the first day we were there, we wanted to go swimming but the weather didn’t permit. We were all geared up and went to the pool but the wind was so strong and it also looked like it was going to rain that we decided to go back to our room and play in the bathtub instead. Then Kai Ru (papa’s friend’s, Aunty Jo’s son) joined us as well so there were 4 for us in the tub playing. And the weather the next few days didn’t permit us to swim either.
Ro Wyn, Jo Tien and I playing around the lobby area while waiting to be checked in
my samseng (gangster) look in the car (not feminine at all)
getting my ang pow (red packet) from Peh Deh
the Lim's (notice I'm still holding on to the ang pows)
The next day, Grandpa and Grandma left with my cousins and kakak to KL. I was not happy when they left but I couldn’t follow them since we’re staying another night there.
this was taken before they left to KL
With Kai Ru
The highlight of this trip was that I got to finally meet my blogging buddy, Lucas. We only met up for a while but it was good enough for our mummies to catch up while attending to us sitting on the baby chairs. Mummy was admiring the way Lucas drinks his water (a whole lot more than I do) and also the number of teeth he has (whenever he opens his mouth, especially when he smiles, you can see a whole lot of pearly whites!). We (Lucas and I) made a huge mess on the floor; Lucas was dumping some of his food onto the floor while I was tearing and throwing serviettes onto the floor. Actually, we were bored while our mummies chatted away (like long lost pals) so we had to entertain ourselves. Lucas’ mummy was so nice to clear the mess we made when it was time to leave. We said our goodbyes and I can’t believe our mummies made us kiss each other goodbye! I guess coz it will be awhile before we ever meet again…anyway, Lucas’ mummy did a good dialogue on our pictures and you can view it here.
see what nice set of teeth Lucas has
We left for KL the next day, leaving Ah Mai and Uncle Jason behind at Kong Kong’s place. They all were off to a short holiday before they came back to KL. Ah Mai and Uncle Jason have left to LA – I will see them again (hopefully) in October there.
bye Uncle Jason, guess I wasn't so scared of you after all!
Love the pics with all the kids in the bathtub. So, is Rye Li gonna visit Belle when she's at LA?
vien - definitely!!! will try and pay u guys a visit yea...i cannot wait for that trip (already thinking of what to pack for the girl and i havent even applied for my visa yet!)
oh she looked so adorable in those cute lil dresses...mommy good shopper la!
mommy of 2 angels - thank u but not me lar...her nice dresses are provided by Rye Li's Ah Mai (my sis inlaw). very nice eh...i also envy her. ;)
Hey, it was really nice to finally meet up and I'm glad both of them got on well too hahaha.
I love Ryeli's dresses too - she's going to be one pretty girl like her Mummy when she grows up!
The bride is so tall...is she a model???
Ryeli is so cute ler.. she always have this eyes wide open shocked look.. which is like soooo adorable.. haha..
Nice wedding there. Which hotel is it to have such a nice tub? I want to go too!!
kittycat - it was nice to meet up with u too, if only we can meet up more eh?!
thanks for the compliments *blushing*!
yea, the bride is really tall eh. she's wearing heels in that pic but she is already tall, so it add to that effect especially standing next to us shorties...well me anyway! hehe..
zmm - yea, i'm surprised too with that big shocked eyes in the pictures coz it doesnt seem so usually.
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