Anyway, I’ve been wanting to post up the photos of her thumb sucking moments when we went to US for our holiday in 2007 as I found them hilarious but never got around to it. So why now? Well, there are still funny moments as well that I caught her sucking her thumb and I want to keep these for memories’ sake. I know she will kill me one day for posting these up but I will tell her then that these are memories worth keeping as she’s too cute sucking her thumb (still is and I know as she grows older, she won’t look cute anymore sucking her thumb!).
I’ll let you all see for yourselves on how cute she is….
The above were taken in the plane on our way there, she got this habit while sucking her left thumb, her right hand has to feel something. Initially, it started with her bolster's casing or her pillows at home and also the bedsheet. And then it went to her baby sling. From this trip, I got to know she can also hold on to anything that soothes her. The following pictures will explain this.
The above were taken in Las Vegas. On the way there in the car journey, since she had nothing to hold on to while sucking her thumb, she used the cloth of her pants. In the hotel room, she used the bed covers as well.

The above shows us that she was desperate enough to even hold on to our clothes.

The above left picture was of her holding on to her aunt's leather bag - a sign that she may be into leathers later?!! :D The upper right was when we were lining up for our boat ride in San Francisco, she was holding on the stroller's material. And the lower right was really funny, we were at Targets (I think) to buy chocolates and all, and this girl got herself a bag of tootsie rolls just so she could have her 'fix'! She was really getting desperate with this one! LOL!

All the above were taken when she was 1 year and 10 months old. Now, fast forward to over 2 and a half years later, she still sucks her thumb although she's back to her bolsters, pillow cases and bedsheets. And so this was what I thought...

And below is the latest one from last weekend. I was getting her ready for bed and made her lie down so I can put on her diapers (yes, still on diapers at nights!), she somehow felt the mattress cover (the mattress was laid against the wall) and she automatically did this.