*another very backdated post!
We left very early that morning while it was like very dark outside. I was well prepared ahead about my holidays that I had no problems waking up and also for the very long journey ahead. We were not alone, we had Uncle Tony from China and Kasmin cher-cher to accompany us in the car ride. I slept again in the car ride till we stopped for our breakfast.
very excited about my holidays!
had first class seat, next to papa!
also had first class treatment, got to be entertained throughout the car ride to Kota Bahru
When we reached Kota Bahru, we had some time to chill out at the apartment before the wedding dinner. We spent only a night there.
since mummy's not with us, papa is tasked to tie my hair, something he hardly does as this is mummy's job.
At the wedding dinner, as you can tell, i was very clingy to papa. I wasn't feeling too well halfway and we left early while the rest stayed behind. Papa thought I was sick since I complaint of a tummy ache, but when we got back to the apartment, I was my usual self and didn't even want to sleep.
The next morning, we left Kota Bahru to Kuala Besut for the speedboat ride to Perhentian island at our regular spot, Bubbles resort.
a picture with uncle tony, still getting warm up to him. he tries to take pics with me or of me throughout the trip.
on the speedboat, clinging on to papa
We spent 3 nights at the island and those 3 days were really a chilling out session for me as I was at the beach the whole day, I got to eat my junkfood and ice cream! The following are pictures of me that were mostly taken my uncle Tony's camera. Papa was busy relaxing to take pictures of me.

this little boy, who was also a guest at the resort, was my playmate most of the time
Was being looked after by the bride (yes, the bride and groom came along with us right after their wedding dinner, how cool is that!) when the rest went for diving.
My holidays went by so fast that I was sad to see it end so soon. We were accompanied in the car ride back to Ipoh and then we went our separate ways as the rest went to Gentings after that while papa and I went back home. I was really well behaved this trip and papa was very proud of me and told me that he doesn't mind taking me alone on trips now. When we got back, mummy was very happy to see me but disappointed that I lost some weight - must be all that play and junkfood which I like!!!
Wah, you let your hubs take care of Rye Li w/o you? I wouldn't trust my hubs to do that! Your hubs must be really hands on. That was such a great bonding trip for both RL and her daddy.
ya wor, wah, i cannot imagine left my hub bring the boys for holiday or outstation w/o me. My hub not hands on like your hub.
You're so lucky, at least your hub can help you help with the kids.
he is pretty much so! i was worried initially but told myself i need to let go as i cannot be there for them all the time. :)
actually, i feel as the kids get bigger, hubby is a better parent than i am. he is more patient which is why he can tolerate their nonsense more :)
So Rye-Li enjoyed the holiday more without mummy nagging at her eh LOL.
hah? u were not there??
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